Environmental Responsibility

At ASIA DMC, to actualize our vision and mission, Responsible Tourism takes precedence. We aim at minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities. It represents a harmonious blend of travel experiences while maintaining equilibrium with social and environmental factors.

Our sustainable tourism practices are concrete actions closely aligned with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on the following five key objectives:

  • Zero Hunger
    Zero Hunger

    Zero Hunger

  • Quality Education
    Quality Education

    Quality Education

  • Climate Action
    Climate Action

    Climate Action

  • Life On Land
    Life On Land

    Life On Land

Our Commitment to the Environment

ASIA DMC aims to expand through partnerships and maintain a sustainable business approach toward excellence, including respect and responsible connection with society, environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, and building a sustainable future for future generations.
  • Environmental Statement

  • Animal Welfare Statement

  • Child Exploitation Statement

  • Environmental Statement

    ASIA DMC is committed to sustainable tourism practices and environmental protection. Recent activities include "Action for a Green Halong Bay" and beach cleaning in coordination with non-governmental organizations. We strive to comply with environmental regulations, raise awareness, and promote recycling. Our goal is to develop sustainable operations and contribute to improving the quality of our environment.
    Environmental Statement
  • Animal Welfare Statement

    As the leading tourist company in Southeast Asia, ASIA DMC is committed to responsible tourism and sustainability. We reject 'unnatural' experiences like riding elephants and petting tigers. Additionally, we prioritize protecting ecosystems and animal welfare by working with Natural Conservation Authorities and applying the Five Freedoms Framework for audits.
    Animal Welfare Statement
  • Child Exploitation Statement

    ASIA DMC prioritizes promoting tourism and environmental concerns, as well as ensuring a safe environment for children. We are committed to championing child protection through a zero-tolerance policy towards abuse. Harm can be caused by those who perpetrate it or fail to prevent it, regardless of any socioeconomic, gender, or cultural group.
    Child Exploitation Statement

Our Commitment to Social Impacts

ASIA DMC is dedicated to improving the lives of the communities in which it operates and minimizing the impact of its operations. We actively participate in and support various social projects aimed at providing relief and upliftment to areas in need.
  • Food For People

  • Travel for People

  • Smiles for People

  • Food For People

    The program prepares and delivers meals to underprivileged communities. Funds were raised through partnerships with Pass Your Lunch and the Ecopark Trade Fair. Our goal is to provide joyful meals, such as serving hamburgers and Vietnamese Pho to the handicapped at the Quynh Hoa Centre. Another highlight was the 'Happy Cooking Day' in Ba Be, where we collaborated with local people to create cuisine.
    Food For People
  • Travel for People

    With "Travel for People," we aim to provide opportunities for those who would not otherwise be able to travel. One of our most unforgettable experiences was working with the Hope Centre in Tien Cau, which cares for orphans. The youngsters had a dream of visiting Hanoi and taking a tour of the city that they had heard so much about but had never been able to see. The sheer excitement in their expressions as they visited sights in the capital left an indelible effect on our crews and made us realize how fortunate we were.
    Travel for People
  • Smiles for People

    "Smiles for People" aims to improve the spirits of disadvantaged youngsters, many of whom have never seen television, let alone a movie. This project had several highlights, including our excitement at the children's attention as we constructed the equipment and the utter joy the children had when they saw children's movies on the large screen for the first time in their lives.
    Smiles for People
  • 36% increase in new-born langurs in Cat Ba Langur Conservation Project

    36% increase in new-born langurs in Cat Ba Langur Conservation Project

    Under the management of Mr. Neahga Leonard, Project Director, the team has focused on protecting the langurs and their habitat, monitoring the population, law enforcement, preventing illegal hunting, research and education, and environmental education.
  • 1.7 km of coastal length was cleaned in Action for a Green Halong Bay Project

    1.7 km of coastal length was cleaned in Action for a Green Halong Bay Project

    By cooperating with Bhaya, HG Holdings, and non-governmental organizations, ASIA DMC has helped clean more than 1,000 pieces of polystyrene of various sizes and shapes, along with about 300 kg of plastic & non-recyclable waste such as hard plastic, plastic bottles, beverage bottles, rubber sandals, plastic bags, wrapping film, and other trash.
  • Donations to National Children's Hospital through HG Charity Fair 2023

    Donations to National Children's Hospital through HG Charity Fair 2023

    At "HG Charity Fair 2023," we sold a variety of handmade products created by company employees. All profits from the fair were contributed to the HG charity fund, which was then donated to children battling chronic diseases at the National Children's Hospital.
  • GREEN Office Program

    GREEN Office Program

    To reduce our Carbon Footprint, we have implemented the 5Rs policy: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and then Recycle. Our regular internal events raise employee awareness, fundraise for projects, and create a fun, dynamic working environment.